
Convoi de FĂȘte 2024

There is something brewing!!! Stay tuned, better times are around the corner! Any happy news in case we roll again will be announced on facebook. Meanwhile stay fantastic, keep the good vibe alive, and throw in an extra smile every now and then!

Festival To The People!

Convoiers love the world of festivals, good music and fresh people. But who really benefits from these festivals? The people who create all the fun and good food, or the people who market it? We decided to team up and create a festival for and by the people who bring the good stuff. Convoi is a free roadtrip festival, with performances over several locations. It is created, organised and managed by the crew itself. 

A tiny taste of the Good Stuff

How Convoi Works

Do you want to visit or join the Convoi for just one day? No worries, meet us at one of the locations! Do you want to ride with us and share a few days? Fantastic, we’d love to have you along for the ride!

For spending nights you do have to check availability with each location. Some can host you, some do not have the facilities.

Contact Us

Want to join in, or do you happen to know a great place for Convoi to land? Let us know!!!!!!!